'diffuse diffused' definitions:

Definition of 'diffuse diffused'

  • distributed \distributed\ adj.
  • 1. spread from a central location to multiple points or recipients. Opposite of concentrated. [Narrower terms: {apportioned, dealt out, doled out, meted out, parceled out}; diffuse, diffused; dispensed; {dispersed, spread}; {divided, divided up, shared, shared out on the basis of a plan or purpose)}; encyclical; rationed; scattered, widespread; sparse, thin; {unfocused, unfocussed}] Also See: distributive. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
  • 2. spread among a variety of securities; -- of investments.
  • Syn: diversified. [WordNet 1.5]
  • Distributing to the necessity of saints. --Rom. xii. 13. [1913 Webster]