'duplicitous' definitions:

Definition of 'duplicitous'

(from WordNet)
Marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray [syn: ambidextrous, deceitful, double- dealing, duplicitous, Janus-faced, two-faced, double-faced, double-tongued]

Definition of 'duplicitous'

  • duplicitous \du*plic"i*tous\ adj. exhibiting duplicity[2]; deceitful; double-dealing.
  • Syn: ambidextrous, deceitful, double-dealing, two-faced. [WordNet 1.5]