'Fewel' definitions:

Definition of 'Fewel'

  • Fewel \Fe"wel\, n. [See Fuel.] Fuel. [Obs.] --Hooker. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'fewel'

  • Fuel \Fu"el\, n. [OF. fouail, fuail, or fouaille, fuaille, LL. focalium, focale, fr. L. focus hearth, fireplace, in LL., fire. See Focus.] [Formerly written also fewel.]
  • 1. Any matter used to produce heat by burning; that which feeds fire; combustible matter used for fires, as wood, coal, peat, etc. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Anything that serves to feed or increase passion or excitement. [1913 Webster]
  • Artificial fuel, fuel consisting of small particles, as coal dust, sawdust, etc., consolidated into lumps or blocks. [1913 Webster]