'Likable' definitions:

Definition of 'likable'

(from WordNet)
(of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings; "the sympathetic characters in the play" [syn: sympathetic, appealing, likeable, likable] [ant: unappealing, unlikable, unlikeable, unsympathetic]
Easy to like; agreeable; "an attractive and likable young man" [syn: likable, likeable]

Definition of 'Likable'

  • Likable \Lik"a*ble\ (l[imac]k"[.a]*b'l), a. Such as can be liked; such as to attract liking; easy to like; evoking sympathy; as, a likable person. --Thackeray. [WordNet sense 1+2]
  • Syn: appealing, likable. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
  • 2. disposed to please. [WordNet sense 3]
  • Syn: amiable, agreeable, good-humored, good-humoured, likable. [WordNet 1.5]