'Unnaturally' definitions:

Definition of 'unnaturally'

(from WordNet)
In an unnatural way; "his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose" [ant: naturally]
Not according to nature; not by natural means; "artificially induced conditions" [syn: artificially, unnaturally, by artificial means] [ant: naturally]
In a manner at variance with what is natural or normal; "The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness" [ant: course, naturally, of course]

Definition of 'Unnaturally'

  • Unnatural \Un*nat"u*ral\ (?; 135), a. Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes. [1913 Webster]
  • Syn: See Factitious. [1913 Webster] -- {Un*nat"u*ral*ly}, adv. -- {Un*nat"u*ral*ness}, n. [1913 Webster]