'Mangoes' definitions:

Definition of 'Mangoes'

  • Mango \Man"go\, n.; pl. Mangoes. [Pg. manga, fr. Tamil m[=a]nk[=a]y.]
  • 1. The fruit of the mango tree. It is rather larger than an apple, and of an ovoid shape. Some varieties are fleshy and luscious, and others tough and tasting of turpentine. The green fruit is pickled for market. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. A green muskmelon stuffed and pickled. [1913 Webster]
  • Mango bird (Zool.), an oriole (Oriolus kundoo), native of India.
  • Mango fish (Zool.), a fish of the Ganges ({Polynemus risua}), highly esteemed for food. It has several long, slender filaments below the pectoral fins. It appears about the same time with the mango fruit, in April and May, whence the name.
  • Mango tree (Bot.), an . [1913 Webster]