'Pectinate' definitions:

Definition of 'pectinate'

(from WordNet)
Like a comb

Definition of 'Pectinate'

  • Pectinate \Pec"ti*na`te\, Pectinated \Pec"ti*na`ted\, a. [L. pectinatus, p. pr. of pectinare to comb, from pecten, -inis, a comb; cf. Gr. pe`kein to comb, AS. feax hair, OHG. fahs, E. paxwax.]
  • 1. Resembling the teeth of a comb. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Nat. Hist.) Having very narrow, close divisions, in arrangement and regularity resembling those of a comb; comblike; as, a pectinate leaf; pectinated muscles. See Illust. (e) of Antenn[ae]. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. Interlaced, like two combs. [R.] "Our fingers pectinated, or shut together." --Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster]
  • Pectinate claw (Zool.), a claw having a serrate edge, found in some birds, and supposed to be used in cleaning the feathers. [1913 Webster]